Okra Soup: okra is a vegetable flowering fruit shrub, botanically called Abelmosclus Esculentus (lating) or Hibiscus ecculentus,, may be because of it's flowering similarities with Hibiscus flowers, some of the European's know's it as,and, called it "Ladies Finger " , Okuru in Igbo Language, Okwuru by the Isukwuato of Abia State Nigeria.
Okra has awlways been enjoyed from age to age all over the world. As a tropical flowering edible vegetable seed-pod crop or fruit, cultivated in Africa, South America, Asia, and now can grow all over the world, each country and people knows this Natural vegetable fruit crop Okra with different name, and use's, it either as a recipe because it's medicinal benefits, as a recipe because of it's very high quality level nutritional benefits.
But our focus now in Afric Recipe1, is the use of Okra as a Recipei prepareing "Okra Soup" Oho Okwuru ( ofe) by the Isukwuato people, you can eat with Gari, Pounded Yam (Utaraji)
Apku, nicknamed swallow, Tuwo-Shinkafa, Semovita etc.As earlier stated , that's Okra is a Natural vegetable flowering fruit or seed-pod crop, which comes in different Species and some times colors; it is used to prepare a Sweet delicacy called' Okra Soup and it's enjoyed by the Igbo people in West African Region of Nigeria, also it is popular, Home Soup by Abia people, especially Isukwuato people, " Oho Okwuru" ( Okra Soup ). Therefore here are the Ingredients or some of the recipes combined in the preparation of Okra-Soup .
(1) Okra Soup: You will just cut this Okra fruits small shall knife or hand greater if available.
(2) Water : wash your hands before cooking and wash your cooking recipes before adding them to your cook.You can use the same water extracted from your already cook meat and fish, cod fish, dry fish etc.Add water according to the other ingredients that's you use in preparing the Soup and also your taste.
(3) Palmoil: ( nicknamed ref oil ) "Nmanu-Nri" which you are going to according to the size other ingredients use in preparing the Suop ( measurements) is important.
((4) Crayfish: Grind the the crayfish and measure according your soup size (volume) and your taste.,
(5) Fresh or Dried Peppers: Add according to your taste and the size, volume of the Soup.
(6) Meat, Fish, Fresh or Dried: Boil your meat, Fish, cod fish, and (Mbasa) remember that you can use extracted water from boil meat and fish to add cook the soup.
Email: anyison100@gmail.com